Posts Categorized: Interview

Denken als Gaia

Een interview met Tom Mansfield door Barbara van den Bogaard In de maand augustus breng ik mijn vrijdagmiddagen door in een online training genaamd ‘Denken als Gaia (Denken als Moeder Aarde)’. Het doel van de training is om de deelnemers vertrouwd te maken met ‘Living Systems Thinking‘. Tom Mansfield is facilitator van deze training en

Interview with Johan de Meyer of Macassar pottery

“If there is no cash flow to pay somebody else to do it, well, then I better learn the skill and deal with it“ Interview by Nawaal Deane Can you tell me more about who you are?  I had a real struggle in my life to figure out what am I really good at? Because

Interview with Malika Ouacha

Interview by Barbara van den Bogaard I connected with Malika through a story that she shared online about the cloak her mother made her before she died. The story touches me because of her mothers’ loving wisdom and the wish of Malika to know more about what she left behind. The story is called “My

Interview with Jonathan Groubert

“My dad sort of retreated from life at an early age. I think he was a disappointed man at a certain point.” Interview by Barbara van den Bogaard Reading your story can you tell me more about your father? My dad sort of retreated from life at an early age. I think he was a