Encounters: Heather Clewett – United States of America
~ by Barbara
I meet Heather in 2018 while we interview her in what we now call ‘The Soul Journey’. I’m a filmmaker and I love to have conversations with people while the camera is on. This is why Global Storytellers exists today you might say. Because of all the conversations we had and have with people and the connections we make between our hearts and theirs. Our genuine curiosity for life and all living creatures living on our beautiful planet, inspire us every day in what we do.
Curiosity of what will happen after we die, connects me and a friend for many years in our friendship. When the father of my friend dies and when she loses all contact with him, she more than ever wonders: “Where is my father. Where do we go after we die?”
With this question in our minds and our hearts we go on a journey and meet people that make an attempt to answer this question. One of the people we meet is Heather Clewett and on this sunny day we sit together and have a mindblowing conversation. She shares with us experiences, insights and wisdom on life and death that origin from the shamanic tradition.
Heather Clewett has devoted years to the study, practice and exploration of ancient healing methods of the Inka and pre-Inka Shamans. Heather is an acclaimed lecturer, teacher, healer, researcher, and writer who assists people in the United States and Europe to create sustainable change in all aspects of their lives.
The story that she shares with Storybook is a small life-fragment but with great life changing impact. The story was part of the 2 hour exchange we had on the topic of life and death and all we experience in between. Her episode in ‘The soul journey’ is soon to be found online.
We are so proud that she decided to share a very personal story of how she came to shamanism and what it feels like to not feel your own skin with Storybook and the Global Storytellers Community. You can find her story in Storybook.