Renata Mendes

Renata Mendes

May 19, 2022

We asked her: what’s your dream for this world?

“I want to see a world that all adolescent have the same opportunities and choices in life.” A beautiful dream that we are happy to join. But for Renata, this is more than a dream. It seems to be her goal in life. All of her education, work and organisations revolve around contributing something wonderful to this world. For us, she is a true source of inspiration! And we are super proud that she is telling a personal story in our Storybook!

Renata Broglia Mendes is an international speaker, researcher and dialogue facilitator who has been working professionally for 19 years in Brazil, India, Kenya, South Africa and the United States. She has a Bachelor of Business Administration from PUC-SP, Postgraduate in Social Innovation Management from the Amani Institute and UPEACE, certified by the Non Violent Communication Community, mediator of Conflict at Palas Athena and NUPEMEC, and is a Master’s student at the UNESCO Chair for Peace Studies and International Conflict Transformation at the University of Innsbruck.

Next to all that, she also is the founder of Actveda: she develops courses and programs related to the themes of culture of peace, conflict mediation, mental health and self-knowledge. She won the award “Woman of the Decade in Community Leadership and Social Change” at the Woman Economic Forum (Delhi, 2017). That’s not all, she also won ‘Social Entrepreneur of the Year 2021’ by UBS Bank’s Visionaries Award.

Since 2003, she has been the coordinator of the Aparigraha Project, which offers Yoga as a transformation tool for girls in the detention center in São Paulo, Brazil. In 2016, she founded Instituto Mundo Aflora, an NGO that generates opportunities for the reintegration of young girls in conflict with the law.

Want to see more of Renata?
> Instagram: @mundoaflora_org or @actveda
> Website:


Renata Mendes

Renata Broglia Mendes is an international speaker, researcher and conflict mediator who has been working professionally for 19 years in Brazil, India, Kenya, South Africa and the United States.
She is the founder of Actveda, she develops courses and programs related to the themes of culture of peace, conflict mediation, mental health and self-knowledge.

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