Story gathering & cup of stories


The aim

Stories from the inside of a person transferred to the inside of a cup. In that way we bring wonder to every cup of coffee or tea just by sharing stories that were already present in the person and in your company but were not listened to before.

“Because every story is a gift.”

The process

  • Story gathering
    We are always on the lookout for stories. And because of that quality we are asked to enter an organization as story gatherers. We have conversations with people in the organization, we record the audio of those conversations and we transcript small story fragments from those conversations.
  • Cup of Stories
    Because we have our ways of bringing stories in the company in a surprising way, we create a tailor-made version of Cup of Stories.
  • Storygift for relations, clients and colleagues
    By listening to the stories from within your own organization and collecting them in beautiful cups, you work on your internal and external communication. In addition, these personalized cups are the ideal gift for your relations, clients and colleagues.

We are more than happy to look at the possibilities together and to create an offer that fits your needs.


One of our clients is Amarant Group, a large care-company in The Netherlands. Through a social innovation trajectory we entered the organization by having conversations with clients and care-givers.

“How great it is that these are the unique stories of our clients and employees! Story and illustration come together in a beautiful cup that totally fits our organization.” – Amarant Group

More information & contact

If you want to know more about what the story gathering and Cup of Stories can do for the people in your company please contact us by sending an email to

Our collaborations