Alicia Cook is a U.S.-based best-selling poet and award-winning activist from New Jersey.
She is the author behind 2016’s bestselling book of poetry Stuff I’ve Been Feeling Lately, 2018’s I Hope My Voice Doesn’t Skip, and 2020’s Sorry I Haven’t Texted You Back. Cook dedicates much of her life to shedding light on how drug addiction impacts the mental health of families.
An essayist and speaker, her activism to fight the opioid epidemic is far-reaching and has garnered a worldwide readership, and her very own episode on the Emmy-nominated PBS series Here’s the Story. She was the recipient of 2017’s Everyday Hero award from NJTV and 2018’s Women with Voices award from the Women with Voices Foundation. She was named a 2019 Healthcare Hero finalist by NJBiz. Her alma mater, Georgian Court University, recently named her its Distinguished Alumni of the Year (2020).
Her happy space? ‘My favorite place on earth is in my quiet house, on my couch. Bonus happiness if I am sitting there with an iced coffee.’
We are very proud that Alicia is part of our Storytellers-community! Want to read her amazing work?Follow her on Instagram: @thealiciacook.