Regenerative Storytelling

Barbara van den Bogaard

August 5, 2024

Stories are regenerative in their essence. They might grow a new beginning, a new ending, a new phrase or chapter. Regenerative stories have a strong core and are malleable in their subtleties. They adapt to shocks and changes if they need to. And as I see it, it is this talent of stories and storytellers that is much needed in today’s world.

Other words for regenerative are rebirth, reconstruction and transformation. Regeneration means the regrowth of a damaged or missing organ part from the remaining tissue. As adults, humans can regenerate some organs, such as the liver. If part of the liver is lost by disease or injury, the liver grows back to its original size, though not its original shape.

In my storytelling practice I learn that stories have the same abilities of rebirth, reconstruction and transformation. And looking at our current world we can see that stories regenerate parts of society that are injured, lost or forgotten. Voices that long have been unheard are getting stronger. The ability to listen by those who hold a loud voice, increases. We start to recognize that language as in the use of words is not the only way stories are told.

First and foremost I believe that the deep understanding that you are here on this planet because you are special, that you have a meaning, that you have something to bring and to learn, is an important understanding. I do not think anyone is here on this planet for no reason. I do not think that anyone on this planet is more important than somebody else. I do think that we all walk different paths, live in different circumstances and do and learn different things while being and living. I do believe that we all have our own meaning, our own story to bring into this world.

I hope you will feel that this article breaths a hopeful story of how we can change our narrative of individualism, consumerism, of growth at the expense of our beautiful planet and all living creatures living on it, including the human species. One thing we can do is take a deep dive into our own stories and the stories of the people we meet. Embracing a slower life while coming to the understanding that the now is all we have to be in. This might give us the opportunity to hear different stories from the people we live with for so long and of which we live in the convincing narrative that we heard it all before. It also might give us the opportunity to meet new creatures and to learn and understand new things.

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Barbara van den Bogaard

I have been working in communication, film and storytelling for over 20 years. I graduated as a dramaturge from the University of Utrecht and developed into a passionate filmmaker and interviewer. As a result, I discovered the challenging issues that the current time brings when it comes to the stories we tell and listen to. I work on all kinds of ways and means in which stories can find a way into our worldly societies. My experience shows that connection to our personal stories can be changemakers in the lives of the individual, of the group and of the world as a whole. The daily walks I have with my dog in the forest connect me to the many living creatures that surround us, nourishing us, allowing us to breath and live healthy lives. The healing and enriching experiences I have while being in the forest, have become a natural part of my work with groups and individuals in storytelling and listening.

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